Edmund Bell
Academic education
PhD in Mechanical Engineering (currently) Optimal structures of assembled laminates: numerical methods, design and manufacture Technical School of Industrial Engineering (U.P.M.)
Master’s Degree in Industrial Mathematics (Specialisation in Modelling) Technical School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (U.P.M.)
Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering (Specialisation in Aerospace sciences and technologies) Technical School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (U.P.M.)
Professional experience
Wind energy and meteorology researcher Reduce Order Modelling (ROM) for microscale LES to mesoscale downscaling Technical School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (U.P.M.) - Etulos SOLUTE S.L contract
Postgraduate researcher. Intership Acceleration of Li-ion cell battery codes by ROM Applied Mathematics to Aerospace Engineering Department Technical School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (U.P.M.)
Graduate researcher. Intership Nek5000 simulations and development of ROM for reconstruction of fluid fields from scant data based on HODMD algorithms Applied Mathematics to Aerospace Engineering Department Technical School of Aeronautics and Space Engineering (U.P.M.)
Research Lines
Modelling, simulation and additive manufacturing of optimal designs in mechanical engineering Development and implementation of topology optimization methods
Awards and grants
Bell, Edmund & Mendez, Carlos & Le Clainche, Soledad & Vega, José. (2019). A reduced order model to create two-dimensional flow fields from uni-dimensional data. 10.2514/6.2019-2361. Published in AIAA 2019.